Thank you to our Participants coming from more than 40 different Countries for being part of the success of the 20th edition of the International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy!
The International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy-ICCGE-20 will be the latest in a sequence that started with ICCG-1 in Boston, MA, USA in 1966, which marked the formation of the crystal growth community as an independent discipline rather than subsidiary to a number of other fields. The key principle is that the theory and practice of crystal growth is common across a range of materials and applications and that we have much to share with one another.
Important information for participants
- Registration desk opening times
- Moving around Naples
- Getting to the venue and transfers timetable
- Information for presenters
- Social events

Some of our delegates have received the below email, or similar, from . We are NOT related with this organization. Do not share any details or personal information.
“Dear Professor, Kindly inform us of your arrival and departure dates in Naples to secure the space for your stay in July for the conference. …
Warm Regards & Stay safe, Traveller Team”
Gender Equity and Diversity Policy
Herewith, we the organizers of ICCGE-20 endorse the IUCr GEDC Code of Conduct.
This conference is organized based upon work supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under award number FA8655-23-1-7014.